23:58:56 Listening to “LUPIN” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
23:55:47 Listening to “Mr.” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
23:52:33 Listening to “Break It” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
23:49:09 Listening to “Pretty Girl” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
23:45:59 Listening to “Honey” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
23:42:56 Listening to “Tasty Love” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
23:39:45 Listening to “Good Day” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
23:33:07 Listening to “AHA” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
23:29:57 Listening to “ミスター (Instrumental)” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
23:28:11 Listening to “” by ♪ #music #nowplaying
23:24:30 Listening to “ミスター” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
23:24:11 Listening to “Umbrella” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
23:20:45 Listening to “Rock U” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
19:45:17 見るよ〜( ´ ▽ ` )ノ1/14楽しみにしてます。RT @_sweethara: ウラカラのハラだよ!!♥♥よっし~~~☺いまドラマの撮影頑張っています!!!^^ http://plixi.com/p/68610490
17:50:35 買い物なう (@ 西友 平塚店) http://4sq.com/hcr90T
16:34:52 Listening to LUPIN – KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying http://j.mp/afuECB http://twitpic.com/3o1wa6
16:33:16 I’m at シェーンブルン東八幡 (東八幡1-10-10, 平塚市) http://4sq.com/eOjIk7
16:27:13 梅プレッツェルなう、すぱい。
16:02:19 クリエイトで買い物なう
15:10:52 Listening to “Wanna” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
15:07:28 Listening to “Pretty Girl” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
15:04:17 Listening to “Honey” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
15:01:09 Listening to “LUPIN” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
14:57:59 Listening to “Mr.” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
14:52:47 Itsukirooms Blog new post: YouTube – 2010年のねぶた祭りの風景 http://bit.ly/eulRuw
14:46:12 Listening to “” by ♪ #music #nowplaying
14:40:25 がKARAのKARA BEST 2007-2010を評価しました 星 5 つ http://t.co/PqmKCPP #iTunes
14:16:43 Itsukirooms Blog new post: 祭り三代 – 大佳秀(だいかしゅう) http://bit.ly/eny2Ap
13:02:15 Listening to “FLASH BACK” by capsule ♪ #music #nowplaying
13:01:49 Listening to “JUMPER” by capsule ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:56:59 Listening to “トミーフェブラッテ、マカロン。” by Tommy february6 ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:56:42 Listening to “★Candy Pop In Love★” by Tommy february6 ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:52:03 Listening to “Surreal” by 浜崎あゆみ ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:48:10 Listening to “丸の内サディステック” by 椎名林檎 ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:43:57 Listening to “積木遊び” by 椎名林檎 ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:41:07 Listening to “歌舞伎町の女王” by 椎名林檎 ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:36:53 Listening to “本能” by 椎名林檎 ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:35:42 Listening to “アイデンティティ” by サカナクション ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:31:42 Listening to “Poker Face (LLG vs. GLG Radio Mix)” by Lady GaGa ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:23:17 Listening to “BAKUROCK 〜未来の輪郭線〜” by YA-KYIM ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:13:13 Listening to “Gee” by 少女時代 ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:10:00 Listening to “ミスター” by KARA ♪ #music #nowplaying
08:45:04 Itsukirooms Blog new post: 今日の富士山も綺麗だ、 http://bit.ly/gn5KRP
00:07:51 RT @natalie_mu: TSUTAYAにTETSUYA店長出勤!「冗談で言ってたのに」 http://natalie.mu/music/news/43165
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