


19:45:05 Itsukirooms Blog new post: 豚しゃぶ http://bit.ly/kpRjTD
19:35:34 豚冷しゃぶ http://instagr.am/p/ERlEO/

19:34:10 サンセベリアをメンテナンスしてあげた http://instagr.am/p/ERkxk/

17:25:36 280円で壁掛け時計売ってたSEIYU、安いから衝動買いした(´-`).。oO(
17:16:10 シャンクス http://instagr.am/p/ERVB5/

17:03:18 I’m at 西友 平塚店 http://4sq.com/lTCmxl
16:01:14 水飲むハムスター @ ビーバートザン厚木店 http://instagr.am/p/ERL-u/

16:00:11 I’m at ビーバートザン厚木店 (厚木市戸田24-1, 神奈川県) http://4sq.com/iZGe2g
15:58:42 猫ちゃん http://instagr.am/p/ERLs8/

13:23:51 Listening to “VS” by ♪ #music #nowplaying
13:21:19 Listening to “メロメ” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
13:16:05 Listening to “BURN” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
13:12:18 Listening to “”I”” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
13:07:42 Listening to “I CAN BE SHIT, MAMA” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
13:03:37 Listening to “追憶のマーメイド ~Album Version~” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:58:23 Listening to “見して 見して” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:58:16 Listening to “聖なる海とサンシャイン” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:53:12 Listening to “Father” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:48:41 Listening to “Tactics” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:43:58 Listening to “楽園” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:40:17 Listening to “間違いねえな” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:35:30 Listening to “バラ色の日々” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:31:56 Listening to “Sweet&Sweet” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:28:11 Listening to “パール” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:24:18 Listening to “カナリヤ” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:18:06 Listening to “離れるな” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:12:28 Listening to “球根” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:07:41 Listening to “LOVE LOVE SHOW” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:03:24 Listening to “プライマル。” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
12:02:11 Listening to “人類最後の日” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:57:41 Listening to “ゴージャス” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:56:57 Listening to “SHOCK HEARTS” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:51:41 Listening to “HEART BREAK” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:47:27 Listening to “BRILLIANT WORLD” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:42:45 Listening to “楽園” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:39:32 Listening to “STONE BUTTERFLY” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:34:39 Listening to “聖なる海とサンシャイン” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:29:27 Listening to “SO YOUNG” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:24:58 Listening to “Tactics” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:19:40 Listening to “BURN” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:19:38 Ping で吉井和哉のLove You Babyに「いいね!」とコメントしました。 http://t.co/yPdUr6t #iTunes
11:19:37 Ping でTHE YELLOW MONKEYのDEAR FEELINGに「いいね!」とコメントしました。 http://t.co/golge74 #iTunes
11:19:22 Ping でTHE YELLOW MONKEYのMY WINDING ROADに「いいね!」とコメントしました。 http://t.co/tgf1o5d #iTunes
11:15:39 Listening to “DEAR FEELING” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:11:46 Listening to “I Love You Baby” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:06:43 Listening to “MY WINDING ROAD” by THE YELLOW MONKEY ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:03:34 Listening to “Week!” by Do As Infinity ♪ #music #nowplaying
11:01:51 Listening to “イースター” by 吉井和哉 ♪ #music #nowplaying
10:40:52 富士山 http://instagr.am/p/EQdwp/

10:26:00 おにぎりとおむすびの違いってなに?
09:44:51 http://www.h-spice.jp/spicerecipe/rcp_5606.html #h_spice #housefoods
01:37:27 @kamimura_toshi は12674日生きた。人生あと17326日しかない。今日は有意義だったか? #30thou http://30thou.com/251051
Follow Me http://twitter.com/kamimura_toshi



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